Insights and Dashboards

Create custom insights and dashboards to stay up to date with the most important metrics across your workspace and hubs.


What is it?

Our Custom Insights and Dashboards feature is designed to give you complete control over how you visualize and interpret your activation data. With this tool, you can create tailored insights and dashboards that highlight the key metrics most relevant to your specific goals, allowing you to stay up to date with critical performance indicators across your entire workspace and hubs.


Watch it come to life

Coming soon!


How do I set it up?

Step 1: Create an Insight

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  • From within your workspace, navigate to Insights (located under Reporting in the left-hand column).
  • Once there, click + Create insight.
  • You will then see that your new insight has been created.

Step 2: Edit Insight parameters

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  • (1) Give your Insight a relevant Name.
  • (2) Provide a description that makes clear what your insight is showing.
  • (3) Click the dropdown and select the insight Series you wish to be displayed.

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  • (A) Content Impressions are events raised for a piece of content when it is in view for more than 2s, once per page load.
  • (B) Coupon Events are events raised when users receive, view, or redeem coupons.
  • (C) Engagements are events raised when users interact with content.
  • (D) Entries are the number of entries submitted via data capture forms on your content.
  • (E) Gating Events are events raised when users pass through a site gate e.g. age verification.
  • (F) Page Views are events raised when users view a page of content. Includes hub pages, embedded content pages, and single card pages.
  • (G) Share Events are event raised when users share content.
  • (H) Sessions are a series of user session events that occur on a single device and browser. Sessions are ended after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  •  (4) Click the dropdown and select the aggregation you wish to be applied to your insight.

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  • (A) Total count displays the total number of series events.
  • (B) Unique sessions displays the series event by number of unique sessions.
  • (C) Unique Contacts displays the series events by the number of unique contacts.
  •  (5) Here you can opt to apply filters to your insight.

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  • (A) Here you can set the filter parameters for your insight.
  • (6) Here you can rename your series (if desired).
  • (7) If you wish to delete your series, you can click the bin icon.
  • (8) By selecting Enable formula mode you can enter a formula to calculate your series data.
  • (9) Here you can opt to breakdown or slice your series by a range of variables.
  • (10) Click + Add series to include additional series data in your insight.
  • (11) Here you can change the time period and grouping of the displayed insight.
  • (12) Click Options to customize how the series is displayed.
  • (13) Here you can change how the visualization format for the series.
  • (14) View the visualization of your series data overtime and scroll over the line to view point-in-time metrics.
  • (15) Scrolling down, you can view your series insights in table form.
  • (16) Here you can export the data in CSV format.
  • (17) Once satisfied with your insight parameters, click Save.
  • You will now see that your insight has been created.

Step 3: View your Insight

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  • Now that your insight is created, you have the ability to view and analyze the data.
  • (1) Click Edit to make any changes to the saved insight.
  • (2) Here you can change the time period and grouping displayed.
  • (3) By clicking Options you can customize how the insight is displayed.
  • (4) Click here to change the visualization format for the data.
  • (5) Here you can view the data in table form.
  • (6) Select export to export the data in a CSV format.

Step 4: Create a Dashboard

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  • After creating one (or multiple) insights, you can create custom dashboards, centralizing your insights in a single view.
  • Navigate to Dashboard (located under Reporting in the left-hand column).
  • Click + Create Dashboard.
  • Give your dashboard a relevant Name and Description and select Create.
  • Click + Add insight.
  • Add the insight(s) you wish to display on the dashboard by selecting the checkbox next to the insight name.
  • Click Add (x) insights.
  • You will now see your newly created dashboard with the desired insights displayed.

Step 5: View your Dashboard

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  • You can now view and customize your dashboard as desired.
  • (1) Click the three dots to Rename, Clone, or Delete the dashboard.
  • (2) You can reorganize how the dashboard displays by selecting Edit layout and dragging and dropping the insight modules as desired.
  • (3) Click + Add insight if you wish to include additional insights on your dashboard.
  • (4) Here you can Add a text widget that can be used to leave comments, annotations, and titles on your dashboard.
  • (5) Click here to change the time period displayed for the insights.
  • (6) Click the three dots to edit, view, or delete individual insights.


What is a series?

A series refers to a sequence of related data points collected or observed over a period of time or across different categories. It can be presented as a time series or categorical series depending on the nature of the data.

Why are Insights and Dashboards in Beta?

Insights and Dashboards are currently in Beta, as we are looking to gather customer feedback on the capability to ensure it is as valuable and powerful as possible. If you have any feedback, please reach out directly to your Customer Success Manager. All feedback will be considered as we make improvements to the feature over time.


One last note: 

At Komo, we pride ourselves on not only the results our clients achieve with us but the service they receive whilst bringing their hubs to life. 

If you ever have any questions about an upcoming activation, how you can best utilize Komo to get the best possible outcome, or just a general query, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or email us at


We also love your feedback, so please let us know if this article helped you by selecting from the options below. 


Louis Docherty 

Head of Customer Success