Leaderboard Card

Leaderboard Card works in conjunction with the Live Trivia Card to display the top players and the user's position across one or more trivia games.


What is it?

The Leaderboard card provides a method for the Engagement Hub to display the results of your Live Trivia games. 

The card automatically populates with data and allows you to connect multiple Live Trivia games. Use this to bolster your hub content and produce another form of user-generated content that you can then share on your social media platforms to draw people to your Engagement Hub.

This card is great for ongoing campaigns and keeps users coming back to your Engagement Hub. Humans are naturally competitive and by integrating the Leaderboard into your content plan you provide another reason for people to routinely participate in your Live Trivia games.


Watch it come to life

Coming soon!


How do I build one?

Step 1: Add a Leaderboard card to your Hub

  • Navigate to your Engagement Hub
  • Once there click Add Content, from here select Games and then Leaderboard. 
  • You will then need to provide an internal name for the card and connect a Live Trivia game.
  • You will then see your new card has been added to your Hub.

Note: Later on, you can change or connect additional Live Trivia games through the card's settings.


Step 2: Style your card

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  • Clicking on the Leaderboard will open the editing module. 
  • (1) You can add an author tag by displaying the brand or person who's responsible for the card content.
  • (2) Add a description to the card.
  • (3) Here you can change the Live Trivia game you initially attached when adding the Leaderboard card.
  • (4) Clicking here you can add another Live Trivia game to the Leaderboard card.

Note: In order for your Leaderboard card to pull through data you must have an email field in your attached Live Trivia's data form. 

  • (5) Here you can set the initial number of entries shown prior to when people have played your Live Trivia games.
  • (6) Ticking this button will allow the Leaderboard to expand and display the top 20 entrants.
  • (7) Toggling this option will turn on/off full names appearing on the Leaderboard.

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  • (8) Scrolling down, you have the option to have a logo visible on the Leaderboard.
  • (9) Here you can upload a logo to the Leaderboard.
  • (10) Type in your desired Leaderboard name.
  • (11) This option allows you to change the color of your Leaderboard's title.
  • (12) Here you have the option to have an image as the card background. 
  • (13) Upload an image here to make it appear as the Leaderboard's background.
  • (14) This option allows you to set the Leaderboard's background to a solid color.
  • (15) Here you can set the text color of the rank items.
  • (16) Sets the rank item's background color.

Step 3: Publish your card

Once you've completed all of these steps, played around with your card and are happy with all the aspects of your card, it's time to get your card live!

    • (1) Publish your card manually and instantly for the world to see. 
    • (2) Schedule your card to be published and unpublished at set dates and times.
    • (3) Click on ... to Preview and interact with the card on the front end from a user's perspective before publishing it. See how to test your card here


    "Go live" checklist

    Ready to go live with your Leaderboard? We recommend reviewing the following list before launching and double-checking if you have:

    • Ensure you have connected the correct Live Trivia game to the Leaderboard. This is so the Leaderboard pulls through and displays the right information and data.
    • You have given your Leaderboard a name.
    • Make sure that your Live Trivia game has the email field in the data capture form. This will need to be in the form of the game for the information to appear on the Leaderboard.
    • If you have left the logo option on, you have uploaded your logo or imagery, or ensure this is toggled off if you wish to not have a logo.
    • Edit the background and rank item colors to your branding.

    Then you're ready to go live!



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    How many Live Trivia games can I have linked to my Leaderboard card?

    As many as you want! With the Leaderboard card, you can connect multiple Live Trivia games. This facilitates a range of different campaigns and allows you to create a weekly, monthly or even year-long leaderboard.

    How quickly does the Leaderboard card update?

    The Leaderboard card updates instantaneously. This means once an entrant completes a Live Trivia game you can push them back to the Engagement hub using the Action Bar to view their position relative to other participants. 

    Do users need to sign in to register their score on the Leaderboard card?

    No, users simply need to enter their email or phone number on the Live Trivia registration form. If you are attaching multiple Live Trivia games to a card, users will need to be using the same email or phone number to add to their cumulative score. 

    Tip: Use User Accounts to allow users to register quickly and enter multiple competitions.


    One last note: 

    At Komo, we pride ourselves on not only the results our clients achieve with us but the service they receive whilst bringing their hubs to life. 

    If you ever have any questions about an upcoming activation, how you can best utilize Komo to get the best possible outcome or just a general query, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or email us at support@komo.tech


    We also love your feedback, so please let us know if this article helped you by selecting from the options below. 


    Louis Docherty 

    Head of Customer Success