Quiz Card

Put your audience's knowledge to the test.



What is it?

The Quiz Card allows you to engage your audience whilst putting their knowledge to the test by asking quiz, poll and market research style questions.


See it in action


Watch it come to life

Coming soon!

How do I build one?



Step 1: Add a Quiz card to your Hub

  • Navigate to your Engagement Hub
  • Once there, click Add content, from here select Games and then Quiz. 
  • Provide an internal name for the card.
  • You will then see your new card has been added to your Hub.


Step 2: Adding a cover image (Optional)

  • Clicking on the Quiz will open the editing module. 
  • (1) You have the option to give your Quiz a title. 
  • (2) Here you add your Cover image or (6) you can turn off the cover here.

Note: If you choose to turn off the cover, users will see the first question instead. 

  • (3) And the ability to alter the color and copy on the call-to-action bar. 
  • (4) You can add an author tag by displaying the brand or person who's responsible for the card content.
  • (5) Add an optional description to the card.

Step 3: Adding Questions

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When adding content to your Quiz, you have 4 options;
  • (1) Quiz questions - This allows you to create your own quiz questions and populate them within your Quiz.

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  • (A) Here you will be able to input your question.
  • (B) Here you will input your question answers and imagery (by clicking the placeholder image icon associated with that answer).
  • (C) Nominate the correct answer by clicking the tick located at the end of that answer. 
  • (D) By clicking the placeholder cover image, you can upload a video from your device or using a video URL. Learn more on how to get a video URL here.
  • (E) You can upload an image to the question or (G) you can turn off the question image here.
  • (F) You have the option to make this question a Quiz or a Poll.
  • (H) Here you can optionally add an Explainer which will pop up after the user answers this particular question. 
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    • (a) Add your description/explainer text here.
    • (b) Here you can alter the color of the Next button.
  • (I) Here you can toggle off the Question heading. Use this feature if you add a question into your question image.
  • (J) If you have (I) toggled off, give the question an Internal name for analytics purposes.
    Note: We highly recommend you input the question here for analytic purposes.

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  • (K) Scrolling down, you can alter the layout of the answers by selecting from the options here.
  • (L) Toggling this option on will randomly shuffle each of the different answer options for every user.
  • (M) Allows you to configure logic. For a further breakdown of this check out our article here.
  • (N) You can delete this question here.
  • (O) Here you can add additional answers.
  • (P) Allows you to add additional questions.
  • (2) Poll questions - Typically utilized for Market Research questions but a great opportunity to create great user-generated content by utilizing divisive topics such as 'Does Pineapple belong on pizza?" (Hint: It definitely does)

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The Poll question layout is identical to the Quiz layout with the only exception being no correct answer can be selected. 

  • (3) Questions from library - Selecting this will open the Komo content library and give you access to over 40,000 pre-made questions. 

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  • (A) Click on + Select to select the questions you want to add to your Quiz.
  • (C) Once you have selected your questions, review your selection and add these questions to your Quiz.
  • (4) Bridge screen - Gives you the ability to add a bridging screen between questions. This is a great opportunity to place adverts and promotional images within your Quiz.

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  • (A) Add a description or content to the Bridge screen or (F) toggle off the text which sits on top of the image. (We recommend toggling this off and adding any text you wish to be included here directly into your design).
  • (B) Here you can customize the color of the Next button.
  • (C) Here you have the option to have an image to the Bridge screen.
  • (D) Or upload a video from your device or using a video URL. Learn more on how to get a video URL here.
  • (E) Here you upload or remove an image. (We highly recommend having an image uploaded.)
  • (G) Alter the colour of the text which will sit above the imagery. 
  • (H) Alter the color of the background (This color will only be seen if there is no image in step (C)).
  • (I) You can delete the screen here.


Step 4: Set up your Results

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  • Results refer to what will be shown to your users at the end of your Quiz. You can create multiple results which will all correspond to a different number of correct outcomes within your Quiz.

Tip: For the purpose of the results all 'Poll questions' will be marked as correct answers.

  • (1) Here you can give your outcome a title
  • (2) Clicking here will allow you to upload a specific image for this result or (7) toggle off the result image here.
  • (3) The description allows you to add context to your result by entering text. 
  • (4) Alter the color and copy of the share button.
  • (5) Change the outline color and text of the view answers button.

Note: If you don't want to show answers, you can toggle this off under the Options tab.

  • (6) Here you can decide whether or not this result should allow users to enter a competition.

Tip: In order to have a result lead to a Data capture you will need to have first set this up. 

  • (8) Initially, you will be prompted to set the result range of this particular outcome. This refers to the total number of correct answers a user must get in order to see this result. 
  • (9) You can delete this result.
  • (10) Scroll down, click on the plus icon to add a button and to drive traffic to a particular website or to a specific card. 

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  • Click the plus icon to add a button. 
  • (A) Insert your URL.
  • (B) Add the call-to-action for the button.
  • (C) Customise the button color.
    • (11) Here you can add additional results screens. 

    Step 5: Set up your Data capture (Optional) 

    Whilst adding a competition to your Quiz is recommended to collect data, it is not always required and can be used purely as an engagement piece. 

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    Step 6: Publish your card

    Once you've completed all of these steps, played around with your card and are happy with all the aspects of your card, it's time to get your card live!

    • (1) Publish your card manually and instantly for the world to see. 
    • (2) Schedule your card to be published and unpublished at set dates and times. 
    • (3) Click on ... to Preview and interact with the card on the front end from a user's perspective before publishing it. See how to test your card here.

    Note: All competition entries will be recorded and will impact the card analytics.


    "Go live" checklist

    Ready to go live with your Quiz? We recommend reviewing the following list before launching and double-checking if you have:

    • All images uploaded are the correct dimensions. Export image files in 2x to ensure none of the images appear pixelated.
    • Added all your quiz questions (including imagery where possible).
    • Used survey and market research questions to gain insights and user-generated social media content.
    • Created personalized communications for your market research questions.
    • Hyperlinked your T&C's to the opt-in-field, which is created in the data capture section of the settings tab.
    • Selected the correct answer for all the questions.
    • All your result screens are set up with imagery, copy and the result range.
    • If you are using videos in the questions, ensure you have uploaded or copied and pasted the correct video/URL. You can play the video in the preview section to check if it is the correct video.
    • All your communications (Registration, Winner/s, Everybody Else) are fully set up and ready to send.
    • If you have a competition attached, ensure your Prizes and the awarding rules are set up correctly. If you have Live prize awarding as your award, make sure you enable this feature, you can see how to do so here.
    • If you are using coupons, make sure the coupons created are set up correctly. Check the coupon limits are set, the copy for each screen is right and you have linked the appropriate coupons to your communications.

    Then you're ready to go live!


    Additional options

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    Advanced features

    Feeling a bit adventurous, are we? We love the sound of that. Let's get right into it! 

    Logic Jump

    The logic jump allows you to take users to different questions within your Quiz based on responses to certain questions. Click here to learn more.



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    What's the difference between a Quiz Card and a Live Trivia game? 

    The Quiz Card allows you to challenge your audience at any time, it is always open, and users can take as long as they like to answer questions. 

    The Live Trivia is best described as a 'pub quiz' available to anyone, anywhere. The Live Trivia is open for a set amount of time (this can be as little or as long as you like), and then once started, users have a set amount of time to answer and be crowned the smartest *Insert topic/team* Fan. 

    Check out the complete Live Trivia FAQ here. 

    Can The Quiz Card be linked to The Leaderboard Card? 

    The Leaderboard card has been built to allow Live Trivia users to immediately see where they sit compared to the rest of the players in the Live Trivia based on the points accumulated and is currently not linkable to a Quiz Card.

    My Quiz is now closed; how do I access the data? 

    Press the Settings Cog located on the bottom of your Quiz Card; you can then click on Entries and download the complete export of data collected or click on the Analytics tab to get a high-level overview of the card's performance. 

    Why would I utilize a 'Bridge screen'?

    Bridge screens allow you to place promotional or educational content within your Quiz and take advantage of the engagement your Quiz is receiving. 

    When are 'Explainers' shown? 

    Explainers are shown after a user answers the question. 

    Do I have to add Explainers to my Quiz? 

    No. Explainer usage is entirely optional but can be a great way to educate your users.


    Top tips

    • We recommend leaving the card cover on as it provides additional information about the card/game and it also keeps the Hub looking neat!
    • It is best to have between 3-6 questions for maximum engagement.
    • Use images for your question cover and/or for the answers. Images are appealing and make it more fun compared to playing a game that's just plain text...
    • Add a Bridge screen to promote a product or service. We recommend using an image with text on it than using the text box located on the Bridge screen. This is so you can place the text any way you want with your own font.
    • Set up coupons for users who get all answers correct.
      • To do this, first set up a result screen, set the result range to the maximum potential correct and turn on the this result leads to form option
      • Next set up a second result screen, set the result range from 0 to 1 less than the maximum correct answers and turn off the this result leads to form option.
      • Finally set up a communication with a coupon attached and set the trigger to on-form registration.
    • Create a fun and engaging quiz! Don't ask simple questions, get users to really think!
    • Make poll questions interesting! Spark debates, gather insights on things you are curious about e.g. Does pineapple belong on pizza?, What do you put on top of your Christmas tree? etc.


    One last note: 

    At Komo, we pride ourselves on not only the results our clients achieve with us but the service they receive whilst bringing their hubs to life. 

    If you ever have any questions about an upcoming activation, how you can best utilize Komo to get the best possible outcome or just a general query, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or email us at support@komo.tech


    We also love your feedback, so please let us know if this article helped you by selecting from the options below. 


    Louis Docherty 

    Head of Customer Success