Communication Subscriptions and Consent

Easily create custom subscription consent fields for use across your customer communications.


What is it?

Communication Subscriptions allow for granular opt-in and consent control at the Contact and Workspace levels, ensuring privacy compliance, enhancing opt-in management for integrations, and streamlining opt-ins before marketing communications. Ultimately you are able to simplify consent while providing better data protection.


Watch it come to life



How do I do it?

Step 1: Create your subscription

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  • Navigate to your Workspace.
  • (1) Click on CRM
  • (2) Click on Subscriptions.
  • (3) Select + Create subscription.

Note: You will see a default subscription titled 'Email Consent'. This can be edited or deleted by clicking the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the subscription.

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  • (A) Give your subscription a meaningful Name. This name will help with searching for the consent group when adding to forms.
  • (B) Provide a relevant Description for your subscription. This is automatically added to the Communications preference page and will be viewable by users when managing subscription preferences.
  • (C) Type in a Unique Subscription ID. This will be referenced when syncing with integrations. Make sure you are satisfied with the ID as it can't be edited once the subscription is created.
  • (D) Review the Communication preference preview. This is auto-filled based on the information you inputted above and will be what users see when managing their subscriptions.
  • (E) Type in your Default Consent Field Label. This is the label that will appear alongside the form checkbox when users provide consent.
  • (F) Click Create to finalize the creation of the subscription.


Step 2: Add subscription consent field to forms

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  • Once you have set up your subscriptions, you can now add it to the relevant card forms.
  • Navigate to the relevant Card and access the Card Settings.
  • Click on the Data capture dropdown, select Form from the options, and select Form in the middle of the screen.
  • Click the + sign at the bottom of the form.
  • Scroll down your existing contact properties column and select the Subscription you created in Step 1.
  • You will then be able to edit the Consent Field settings, including marking the checkbox as required and editing the field label.
  • You will now see that the Subscription Consent Checkbox has been added to the form.

Step 3: Send communications to subscribed groups

  • Once your subscription has been created and tested, you are then able to send relevant communications to your subscribed groups. When creating communications, you will only have the ability to send marketing emails to users who have subscribed to those communications and explicitly opted in. For more detailed information on how to do this, please read this article



How many subscriptions can I create?

You have the flexibility to create as many subscriptions as you require!

How is this different from existing opt-in fields?

Opt-in fields in their current form are set at the Card/competition level. With Communication Subscription Consent, you can create the subscriptions at the workspace level and add them directly to your Cards, removing the need to recreate consent fields on every Card or Competition.

How does this impact marketing communications?

With this new approach, instead of sending emails and then allowing customers to opt out, customers must now opt in first to receive marketing communications. This ensures an added layer of compliance across your communications.

Has this been rolled out for all communications?

Currently, Communication Subscription Consent has only been implemented on marketing email communications. Communication Subscription Communications will be implemented across transactional emails and SMS communications as an optional feature in a future release.


One last note: 

At Komo, we pride ourselves on not only the results our clients achieve with us but the service they receive whilst bringing their hubs to life. 

If you ever have any questions about an upcoming activation, how you can best utilize Komo to get the best possible outcome or just a general query, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or email us at


We also love your feedback, so please let us know if this article helped you by selecting from the options below. 


Louis Docherty 

Head of Customer Success