Vault Digital Mastercards

Easily distribute Vault Digital Mastercards to prize winners using automated workflows.


What is it?

Vault Mastercards are digital prepaid cards that can be instantly issued to prize winners via automated workflows. These digital cards can be accessed on recipients' phones and used wherever traditional Mastercards are accepted. Continue reading to learn how you can effortlessly distribute Vault Mastercards to your prize winners.


Watch it come to life

Coming soon!


How do I do it?


Step 1: Provide Vault Campaign IDs

  • Ensure you have a Campaign set up with Vault. Once everything is approved, you will need to provide your Customer Success Manager with access and share your credentials. Please forward this request to Vault with your CSM's details. When granted access, your CSM will then complete the backend connection on your behalf. If you have any issues or require further assistance, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly.

Step 2: Create your prize

  • Prior to creating your distribution workflows, you will need to ensure you have created your prize. You will not be able to link your workflow until this prize is created. For detailed information on how to create prizes, please read this article


Step 3: Build your workflow

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  • Navigate to your Card and go into the Card Settings.
  • (1) Click on Workflows
  • (2) Click on Definitions.
  • (3) Select + Create workflow.

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  • (A) Give your workflow a meaningful Name.

    Note: This is internal only but we recommend that the naming aligns with the prize on offer for clarity.

  • (B) Click Create.

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  • You can now start building out your workflow.
  • Select the pencil icon next to Trigger.
  • Select Prize Awarded from the Execute flow on dropddown.
  • Click + Add filter, select Prize is and then select the appropriate Prize from the dropdown (you created this prize in Step 2).
  • Click Save and exit the modal by clicking X.
  • Drag the Issue Vault Card workflow module and drop it below the Trigger module.
  • Click on the circle at the bottom of the Trigger module, drag and drop on the circle of the Contact Vault Card Issue module.
  • Select the pencil icon next to Contact Vault Card Issue.
  • Select your Campaign ID from the dropdown (this is the ID you provided in Step 1).
  • Type the appropriate Gift Card value in the Amount field.
  • Set you Limit per contact as per your game rules (we recommend leaving blank for unlimited).
  • Click Save and then exit the modal by clicking X.
  • Finish building your workflow by clicking Save.

Step 4: Activate your workflow

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  • You will now have to Run your workflow for it to begin working.
  • (1) Click the three dots to access the additional actions.

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  • (A) Run - Click this to run your workflow.
  • (B) Edit - Here you can make edits to the workflow you set up.
  • (C) Rename - Select this if you would like to rename your workflow.
  • (D) Delete - Click this if you would like to delete your workflow.
  • Once you have selected Run, your workflow will be live and you can move onto testing!


Step 5: Test your workflow


  • We recommend clearly naming your prize and workflow with Test or Testing for easy identification.
  • When setting your prize, ensure that the Awarding Prize Rule is set to manually selected. This will be the default selection.
  • When setting up your test workflow, we recommend setting the Vault Gift Card Amount to $1.00 and the Limit per contact to 1. 
  • Once you have set up your test prize and workflow, you will then need to test the Card. For information on how to test your card, please read this article.
  • Once you've tested the card and entered your details, you can then test the workflow.
  • Navigate to the Card Settings and select Prizes under the Data Capture dropdown.
  • Select the three dots (actions) next to your Test Prize.
  • Click Select recipients to award.
  • You should now see the contact details you submitted when working through the Card experience.
  • Check the box next to your contact details and click Review.
  • You can now review the details of the contact and click Award Prize.
  • A pop-up should appear confirming that Awarding prizes have been completed. Confirm that the Status box next to your test prize also displays Awarded.
  • When you are satisfied that your test workflow is operating as expected, it is best to ensure the workflow is paused by navigating to your test workflow under Definitions, clicking the three dots (actions) next to your test workflow (as detailed in Step 4) and selecting Pause.

Tip: Once your test workflow is paused, we also recommend canceling the Test Card directly in the Vault portal.


Step 6: Monitor your workflow

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  • It is important to monitor your test workflow to ensure it is running as expected.
  • (1) Navigate to the Workflows dropdown.
  • (2) Select Usage.
  • (3) View the STATUS and INFO. If the status displays an error, we recommend hovering your mouse over the error icon under INFO.
  • You will then be provided with a summary of the error (you can also click for more detailed information that will enable you to troubleshoot).



I'm experiencing errors when testing my workflow, what is causing this?

The most common error we see customers experience when setting up their workflows is a misalignment between the form fields included on their Komo Card and the fields required by Vault to fulfill the Card issuance. Vault usually require both a mobile number and email address, so it's best to include both on your forms. If you experience any other issues, the error message displayed next to the workflow in the Usage section should give you the context you require to diagnose the issue. If you are still having issues, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Who should I contact if I have any questions or issues?

For any enquiries about the Vault Mastercards/Vault Portal, please reach out directly to For any questions or issues relating to the setup within Komo or issues with the Komo portal, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Do you have any resources that can be shared with our consumers?

Yes! Feel free to send this Help Centre link directly to your consumers.


One last note: 

At Komo, we pride ourselves on not only the results our clients achieve with us but the service they receive whilst bringing their hubs to life. 

If you ever have any questions about an upcoming activation, how you can best utilize Komo to get the best possible outcome or just a general query, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or email us at


We also love your feedback, so please let us know if this article helped you by selecting from the options below. 


Louis Docherty 

Head of Customer Success